Taking a screenshot on a Windows PC

Taking a screenshot on a Windows PC is easy. Taking a screenshot (also called a screen grab, or print screen) can be done in one of several ways. Try any of the techniques listed below.


Snipping Tool Method

The Snipping Tool method works with Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate, and with Windows Vista editions except Starter and Home Basic. For other versions of Windows, use the Print Screen method described below. For a more detailed tutorial on using the Snipping tool, see How to Take a Screenshot with the Snipping Tool.
  1. 1
    Open the Snipping Tool. The Snipping Tool is found in Start/All Programs/Accessories/Snipping Tool.

    • The Snipping Tool is only found in Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate, and in all Windows Vista versions except Starter and Home Basic. If you don't have the snipping tool, use the Print Screen method instead.
  2. 2
    Choose the kind of screenshot (snip) you would like to take. "Rectangular Snip" is chosen by default.

    • "Free-form Snip" lets you draw an area of any shape. Only the area you drew will be snipped.
    • "Rectangular Snip" lets you select a rectangular area, which will be snipped.
    • "Window Snip" lets you choose a window to snip.
    • "Full-screen Snip" snips the whole screen, with all windows (except the Snipping Tool window) included.
  3. 3
    Select the area that you want a screenshot of. If you chose "Window Snip", select a window instead. If you chose "Full-Screen Snip", go to the next step.

  4. 4
    Save the screenshot by clicking the floppy disk icon in the window that pops up. Type in a name for the screenshot and change the "Save as type:" field if desired. Read the "Tips" section for information on file types. You can now send the screenshot by email or put it on a website.